Thursday, October 13, 2011

Authentic Leadership –Awakening the Possibilities of Others

The best definition of leadership I have ever come across is from Ben Zander.  According to Mr. Zander “leadership is the ability to mobilize others by combining the analytical side of a vision with the passion of shared values, through creating something really meaningful to the people being led.  Leadership is a lot like conducting an orchestra; the conductor unifies performers, sets the tempo, executes clear preparations and beats, and listens critically to shape the sound of the ensemble.  To accomplish this artistic task the conductor must relinquish their own power and awaken the possibilities in the ensemble.”

In today’s environment, “top down” management doesn’t work anymore.  Employees want to be more fully engaged, and committed to what they are doing.  They want to feel as if their work matters.  Because of these higher expectations, it's vital for leaders to know how to inspire vision, passion, and confidence in the people they're leading. When people work alongside a truly authentic leader, they'll often give their whole hearts and minds to the cause. In these situations, the leader has created loyalty throughout an organization, resulting in higher morale and greater possibility.

The path to this type of leadership is not straight and well-defined.  Awakening the possibilities in others involves many different skills, traits, and actions. By focusing on some of the most common characteristics, you can start down your own path towards this.

There are four main themes to awakening the possibilities in others within your organization – ethics, power, communication, and the organization. 

Authentic leaders are ethical leaders. They've identified their ethical codes, and they never compromise on what they believe to be right and wrong.


All leaders have power. But authentic leaders know how to use the right kind of power for the good of the group, and for the goal that needs to be achieved.


Authentic leaders are excellent communicators. And they use a number of different communication strategies to pass along their values, awaken possibilities within their teams, and give clear commands.

The Organization

Leaders that awaken possibilities, never forget that they have an enormous responsibility. They put their companies and their people first.  

Authentic leadership involves a lot of different things much like conducting an orchestra. And developing the skills and characteristics needed should be an evolving journey, not a final destination.

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