Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Role of Leadership in an Organization

In my blog talk radio broadcast this morning I discussed the topic of leadership and how being a good leaders means you have the ability to mobilize others by combining the analytical side of a vision with the passion of shared values, through creating something really meaningful to the people being led. Leadership is a lot like conducting an orchestra; the conductor unifies performers, sets the tempo, executes clear preparations and beats, and listens critically to shape the sound of the ensemble. To accomplish this artistic task the conductor must relinquish their own power and awaken the possibilities in the ensemble.

Translate that to today’s workplace environment, simply stated “top down” management doesn’t work anymore. Employees want to be more fully engaged, and committed to what they are doing. They want to feel as if their work matters. Because of these higher expectations, it's vital for leaders to know how to inspire vision, passion, and confidence in the people they're leading. When people work alongside a truly authentic leader, they'll often give their whole hearts and minds to the cause. In these situations, the leader has created loyalty throughout an organization, resulting in higher morale and greater possibility.

Joanne Westwood, asked if I believed there was one right way to lead others. My response was no. Leaders come from all different makes and models - what makes a leader good is there ability to communicate with those around them and to share the vision and maintain a certain level of integrity.

I would love to hear some of your thoughts on leadership. Do you think there is one right way to lead others?

Check out my blog talk radio segment on the subject of leadership.

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