Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Your Organizational Mojo a No Go?

Why talent management is a key factor to maintaining and sustaining the mojo.

Why is talent management so important? Why is it the difference between those organizations who succeed and those who don’t? Simply put, if you don’t make the best use of the talent of your people, then you’re wasting tremendous potential for creativity, ingenuity, and fresh thinking.

In a recent survey reported in The McKinsey Quarterly employees working in global organizations were asked to score their employer’s talent management practices. The companies that scored in the top third had a significantly higher profit per employee than those that scored in the bottom third.

So, what does this tell us? The “scattershot” approach to developing and managing talent is affecting the bottom line in a negative way. Employees of 2011 require a higher level of skill and different skill set when it comes to leading people, managing change, being resourceful and an overall commitment to the organization. It is when organizations, regardless of size, begin to take a comprehensive approach to managing talent and invest in their people; that the return on investment becomes evident.

If your organizational mojo is a no go, look at how you are managing your talent. It is when, and only when, talent management becomes an integral part of the organization’s culture, that you begin to ensure people are ready for jobs and that a great working environment has been created – an environment filled with talented people who have the creative mojo to propel the organization to a bright and prosperous future.

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